Explore the Easy Forms Features that enable you to build your form quickly and easily.

Core Features

Our application can help you create and manage all type of forms.

Own Logo

Upload an image or enter a text to replace our logo.

Multi-Step Forms

Use Page Breaks to break your form in several pages and let your users fill out by steps.

File Upload

Provide users the ability to attach files to their form submissions, such as photos, PDFs or other documents.


Protect your form from spammers & bots by using Google reCAPTCHA.

Hide / Show Panels

The preview area will become wider and forms, being responsive, will adapt to them.

Form Endpoints

Collect data from external sources (Forms, Scripts, Webhooks, etc.)

Image Compression

Compress the uploaded images by your forms and reduce the Server storage quota.

Protected Files

Only users with the right permissions can access the uploaded files.

RTL Forms

Set the text direction in which values are entered in the form.

Auto deactivation

Easily limit how many entries a form will accept or set a date to limit its access.

Save & Resume later

Many questions for now? Give your users a practical solution with this great option.

Theme Designer

Customize backgrounds, colors, spacing and fonts without write CSS code.


Choose a template and create a form with one click.

Submission Manager

A Quick and easy way of viewing, editing and deleting your form’s submissions.

File Attachment

If your form has file upload, you can also attach them to your post.

Custom Sender Address

If your form has an email field, you can use your users information as the sender of your email.


Access your account information, get your forms, and register / deregister webhooks.

Send Test Email

Test your Email Configuration in Real-Time to know if everythin is fine.

Multiple Rules

Create the conditional logic you need and provide a better experience to your users.

Math Operations

Use the 4 basic operations or combine them to create percentages or other more complex operations.

Advanced Math Formulas

Perform advanced form calculations (including date calculations) and set the result in a form field or other elements.

Skip Steps

Go directly to the required step based on conditions you’ve created.


Sets the application user’s profile to provide a better experience.

User Roles

Basic User, Advanced User or Administrator? Assign the type of role you want them to have.

Session Timeout

Automatic Logout after minutes or hours of User Inactivity (A notice will appear 30 seconds prior)

Término de la sesión

Cierre de sesión automático después de minutos u horas de inactividad del usuario (aparecerá un aviso 30 segundos antes)

Roles del usuario

¿Usuario básico, usuario avanzado o administrador? Asigna el tipo de rol que quieres que tengan.


Establece el perfil del usuario de la aplicación para brindar una mejor experiencia.

Tu logo

Sube una imagen o ingresa un texto para reemplazar nuestro logo.

Campos HTML5

¡Cree formularios responsivos con campos HTML5 en minutos!

Formularios de varios pasos

Utilice saltos de página para dividir su formulario en varias páginas y permitir que sus usuarios lo completen por pasos.

Diseño Bootstrap

Vertical, horizontal y en línea. Puede utilizar los 3 diseños CSS de Bootstrap.

Subir archivos

Ofrezca a los usuarios la posibilidad de adjuntar archivos a sus envíos de formularios, como fotografías, archivos PDF u otros documentos.

Editor Wysiwyg

Un pequeño editor wysiwyg para agregar código HTML a su formulario.

Ocultar/Mostrar paneles

El área de vista previa se hará más amplia y los formularios, al ser responsivos, se adaptarán a ellas


Proteja su formulario de spammers y bots utilizando Google reCAPTCHA.

Campo de firma

Capture firmas en línea permitiendo a los usuarios firmar sus formularios.

Compresión de imagen

Comprima las imágenes cargadas según sus formularios y reduzca la cuota de almacenamiento del servidor.


Recopile datos de fuentes externas (formularios, scripts, webhooks, etc.)

Descarga el HTML

Descargue el código fuente para crear un formulario totalmente personalizado.

CORS/URL autorizada

Restringir los dominios con los que funciona el formulario. ¡Nuestra seguridad es más importante que nunca!

Formularios RTL

Establezca la dirección del texto en la que se ingresan los valores en el formulario.

Archivos protegidos

Sólo los usuarios con los permisos adecuados pueden acceder a los archivos cargados.

Own Logo

Upload an image or enter a text to replace our logo.

Multi-Step Forms

Use Page Breaks to break your form in several pages and let your users fill out by steps.

File Upload

Provide users the ability to attach files to their form submissions, such as photos, PDFs or other documents.


Protect your form from spammers & bots by using Google reCAPTCHA.

Hide / Show Panels

The preview area will become wider and forms, being responsive, will adapt to them.

Form Endpoints

Collect data from external sources (Forms, Scripts, Webhooks, etc.)

Image Compression

Compress the uploaded images by your forms and reduce the Server storage quota.

Protected Files

Only users with the right permissions can access the uploaded files.

RTL Forms

Set the text direction in which values are entered in the form.

Auto deactivation

Easily limit how many entries a form will accept or set a date to limit its access.

Save & Resume later

Many questions for now? Give your users a practical solution with this great option.

Theme Designer

Customize backgrounds, colors, spacing and fonts without write CSS code.


Choose a template and create a form with one click.

Submission Manager

A Quick and easy way of viewing, editing and deleting your form’s submissions.

File Attachment

If your form has file upload, you can also attach them to your post.

Custom Sender Address

If your form has an email field, you can use your users information as the sender of your email.


Access your account information, get your forms, and register / deregister webhooks.

Send Test Email

Test your Email Configuration in Real-Time to know if everythin is fine.

Multiple Rules

Create the conditional logic you need and provide a better experience to your users.

Math Operations

Use the 4 basic operations or combine them to create percentages or other more complex operations.

Advanced Math Formulas

Perform advanced form calculations (including date calculations) and set the result in a form field or other elements.

Skip Steps

Go directly to the required step based on conditions you’ve created.


Sets the application user’s profile to provide a better experience.

User Roles

Basic User, Advanced User or Administrator? Assign the type of role you want them to have.

Session Timeout

Automatic Logout after minutes or hours of User Inactivity (A notice will appear 30 seconds prior)

Featured Video
How to Create a Contact Form with Easy Forms

See how easy is implementing a Contact Form with Easy Forms.

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